The Benefits of Going Sober
When you quit drinking alcohol after years of excessive use, your mental and physical health begin to improve within weeks. A sober life means that you will have the energy and mindset to rediscover yourself, as well as, your passions and ability to build a healthy life.
One Week - The Benefits of Going Sober
So you made the choice to go sober about a week ago, it’s probably been harder than you thought but you should be proud of yourself! The first hurdle is always the most challenging.
After this first week off alcohol, you should be noticing changes in your appetite, energy levels and food choices. By the end of the week you’ll probably find that you have far more energy and are able to concentrate with ease. Even if it is difficult to immediately drop off to sleep without a drink, you’ll find that you get better quality sleep and wake up feeling reinvigorated the next day.
Signs and symptoms of legal high addiction
It is difficult to determine a set of parameters for symptoms of ‘legal high’ addiction as legal high products vary greatly. But if we generalise:
- Depression
- Anxiety
- Panic attacks
- Irritability
- Experiencing a distorted sense of reality and perception, entering a trance-like state or feeling detached from the world
- Mood swings and hostility
- Agitation
- Feelings of euphoria
- Confusion and paranoia
- Hallucinations and delusions
- Poor judgement
- Memory problems
- Inability to focus or concentrate
- Consuming new psychoactive and illicit substances (‘legal highs’) to relieve stress
- Worsening of any existing mental health conditions such as depression, anxiety or stress
- Noticeable changes in personality
Getting Help With Stopping Using Legal Highs
For further information on how you can take steps to overcome your new psychoactive and illicit substance (‘legal high’) addiction at The Recovery Lodge please call us today on 01795 431751.