My biggest issues came at a period of my life where I had a good, well paid job, lived in a nice apartment in central London and would go on holidays regularly. I would be addicted to posting pretentious images and quotes about how great my life was, where I was going, who I was with and what I was achieving. The addictive rush I would feel when someone, often a person I barely knew, would like or comment on a post of mine felt amazing and would boost my pride and ego, therefore making me want to post more and more. But the more I posted, the more lies I found myself telling, the more I “photoshopped” images of myself and the more resentful I felt when I didn’t get the number of likes or comments that I felt I deserved when I posted something I believed was great. It was an effective ego builder, but also a huge pride crusher – the typical highs and lows of many substance and behavioural addictions.